Teachers go digital. Digital skills,
technologies and pedagogies for
teaching and learning in schools


IO1: OER (Open Educationl Resources)

DIGITEACH training focuses on equipping teachers with the right skills set to use the digital medium effectively in order to make learning fun, interactive and immersive…

IO2: Virtual Learning Community Platform

DIGITEACH platform is designed to respond to the intrinsic need of teachers for sociality derived from going to school…

DIGITEACH is made up of 3 Working Packages:

WP1 “Analysis of Local Contexts on how the Pandemic has impacted the School Systems” that thanks to desk research activities and the direct involvement of target group and main stakeholders will provide an evidence based analysis of local contexts on how the pandemic had an impact on school systems.

WP2 “Training course on digital pedagogies for school teachers/educators” that will implement a self-paced online program able to enhance school teachers/educators digital skills, especially focusing on pedagogy aspects in relation to technology and on meaningful use of digital tools to engage learners, in particular ADHD ones.

WP 3 “Evaluation and Follow-up” will aim at responding to the needs of evaluation and follow up by using the Control Group Method. Then an Analysis and recommendation manual for increasing digital pedagogy will be delivered.

The Partners

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Digiteach #5 Bulletin

November 2023 DIGITEACH has reached the end of its activities. But teachers and educational staff are encouraged to enroll in the project training course by

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Digiteach #4 Bulletin

April 2023 Coordination meeting in Portugal on 20-21 April, 2023. Project partners met in Porto to discuss about the Open Educational Resources (OER) for teachers

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